By Paco Arespacochaga
When the iPad launched early this year, people were divided about its value and usage. There were those who saw its purpose from the “get go” while there were also those who felt that it was a waste of their money. And then of course, there were those who simply got excited about it because of the fashion statement it was going to create.
Although I still don’t own one, I am leaning toward purchasing the iPad. It just simply makes sense! And I’m no genius to see the importance of what this appliance/device can contribute to my simple daily life.
Let me name a few:
When the iPad launched early this year, people were divided about its value and usage. There were those who saw its purpose from the “get go” while there were also those who felt that it was a waste of their money. And then of course, there were those who simply got excited about it because of the fashion statement it was going to create.
Although I still don’t own one, I am leaning toward purchasing the iPad. It just simply makes sense! And I’m no genius to see the importance of what this appliance/device can contribute to my simple daily life.
Let me name a few:
Consolidated Magazine & Newspaper Subscription: If you want to go green and save the planet, imagine how many trees can be saved by simply converting all of your magazine subscriptions on this nifty device?
Online Bill Pay Made Easier: While most of us have adapted the habit of paying our bills online from our desktops and laptops, the iPad has made it easier to pay our bills “on the go” without having to SQUINT at the little smartphone lcd screen.
Virtual Book Library: All your Sweet Valley High, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Tom Clancy, Dan Brown or whoever author you have in mind, and all their catalogue in the palm of your hand. Read whatever, whenever… WHEREVER! Imagine the amount of space you can reclaim at home. I heard that major publishers are releasing their catalog to the iPad.
Virtual Audio Library: iTunes. I don’t need to explain this. *wink*
Movies On the Go: Bring your “digital copy” movie wherever you go. If you need more movies, there’s always iTunes!
Apps, Apps and More Apps: Who isn’t amazed and amused by new apps, paid or free?
And I only scratched the surface of what it is and what it can do.
Now here’s the twist of everything I’ve written. I am not only excited with the iPad from a consumer standpoint. Instead, think about what the iPad, as a digital platform, can do to bring your business/personal brand in front of millions of people.
Now should be a good time to be talking to your marketing team about your online visibility and online reputation. You want to get in now and take as much market share as you can.
This isn’t going away folks. Embrace DIGITIZATION or be ready to lose market share.
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