Sunday, March 28, 2010

Don't Beat Your Goose to Death!

by Paco Arespacochaga

Remember the story of the goose that laid golden eggs? His master got greedy and impatient and wanted the goose to lay more eggs in one day, he thought that he would just go ahead and open up the goose to get ALL the eggs. He did just that and killed the goose and discovered NO EGG!

Instead of ending up with more, he ended up with NONE!

And this holds true in life as well, no matter who you are or where you are or what you are, you have a GOOSE in your life that lays GOLDEN EGGS for you. Think for a moment who this is or what this is? Once you've determined it, ask yourself how you've been treating this person or object or intangible possession that has been continuing to give you wealth.

We may not no it but we often beat the heck out of our "goose" in a rush to get more "golden eggs"! Why? Greed perhaps? Ignorance maybe? Why?

Some companies treat their employees this way. Management make them work to the point of breaking their morale. There are managers who are guilty of this as well, for lack of management ability perhaps? Or maybe from upper management pressure brought down on them, we'll never know. Sales people are also guilty of the same "sin". They take every last ounce of revenue they can take from their clients.

We do this to our loved ones too! We take... and take... and take some more! And take again! And when the "goose" is dead, we're lost.

Stop for a moment and appreciate the people that have been crucial to your success. Stop for a moment and give them a hug or a note that says "thank you". Stop for a moment and look at that masterpiece that is giving you residual revenue. Be thankful for your intellectual property. Be proud of it. How about that talent of yours that got you to the top of the charts? How are you valuing your talent? Are you abusing your body?

Relax for a moment. Be thankful and learn to appreciate what you have and be patient. Love the goose that lays your golden egg and you will be wealthy for the rest of your life. Beat it to death and you die with it.

Have a great day ahead. No one can make it miserable without your permission!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thinking of Embarking on an Unknown Journey? Go!!!

by Paco Arespacochaga

But don't fool yourself. It won't be easy. Yet it will always be fulfilling.
The mere embrace of taking the first step toward the "unknown" is always admirable, most often envied. And the people who dare brand you as "foolish" should look at themselves in the mirror and admit to themselves that it is them who is foolish for not taking the first step... for not taking that leap of faith.
What to Expect When Embarking on an Unknown Journey...
Expect the unexpected. And it will be plentiful. Be ready. It will be a roller coster ride. Have fun. Smell the roses along the way. It will be long. There will be hills. There will be days where you wish you hadn't taken that first step. But there will be rewards as well. There will be trials and challenges along the way. There will be thoughts of discouragement but persevere.
Everyone who is successful had persevered, probably more than you and I. And that's why they are where they are. While you and I were contemplating, they were doing. While you and I were complacent, they where moving. While you and I were experiencing instant gratification, they were creating their long term satisfaction.
There Is No Fail-Safe Switch!
The methodology of embarking on an unknown journey is to disable the "fail-safe" switch in your mindset. You cannot go on a journey with the thought that if you ever fail, there will be something to fall back on. You cannot fail! It's should be a one way street. And the reason why failure will never exist on this path is because you will be better than you were the moment you take the first step. You have to move forward and win! You have to strive hard to succeed.
How can you fail when every step you take forward is a step ahead of whoever remains still? Ooh! I like what I just wrote!
Appreciate the Journey
Sometimes, what's at the end of the journey is not what we expect it to be. Don't feel let down. It was really the journey that we were meant to experience. The destination always becomes the point of origin of the next unknown journey!
Live life!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Power of Social Networking

By Paco Arespacochaga

Anybody who thinks Social Networking sites such as Facebook, Linkedin, Myspace, Twitter and others like it will go away sometime soon are in for the biggest shock of their lives.
Social Networking Sites and Social Media Sites serve a very important purpose, which is the ability to connect the right type of people with other people, products and services. Yes, social media does this so effectively, it would be suicide for an individual and a business owner to not take advantage of it.

News travels almost instantaneously in the social media domain that it is both effective and scary. Come up with the next best invention and in less than 5 minutes, your “followers” or “fans” or “friends roster” know of the news right away. Commit a major blunder and you’re all over the wire in a heartbeat as well.

However, part of the hurdles of why some people refuse to get on with this new medium is because of its learning curve. Well let me tell you that developers of famous social media sites have made sure that their sites will let most of us experience a steep learning curve, which means we learn how to navigate through the site in the least time possible.

If you haven’t started, go ahead and get your feet wet. Try it out! Meet you people and promote your products and services. It might be the next big push you’ve been looking for.

Friday, March 19, 2010

It's Not Always About You

by Paco Arespacochaga

Don't even think that life revolves around you. Don't even think that YOU ARE THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. With or without you, life goes on. When something goes wrong and when you think life is unfair to you, think again? It may not be the case.

The fact that you're reading this blog means life has been good to you! You're breathing while someone is on his deathbed clinging to life. You're connected to the web while other people haven't even seen a computer. You've got reading skills while others are being taken advantaged of because they don't know any better.

In spite of all of these, the world is NOT you!

Yet you can make a difference by touching lives. And the even better news is, you've got your whole life to do it! Start with your family... wife, husband, son, daughter, and then move on to your "middle circle".

Let other people lift you up. Your job is to lift them up.

If you embrace the thought that it isn't always about you, then you'll be able to see life differently and appreciate it even more.

...but I can only speak for myself!

Paco In the House - the Community

By Paco Arespacochaga

Paco In the House is a venture I am truly proud of. Looking at the vision of what it could be as opposed to the visibility of what it currently is, I am even more excited. I know that someone with more resources and a deeper pocket may take the idea and run away with it. But I’m not scared. Competition is healthy. Besides, I do have differentiators that make Paco In the House stand on its own despite its “indie” status.

So what is Paco In the House all about? It’s an Internet show that’s part Talk and part Reality. I would lean on the part Talk part of the show because the Reality part is simply a byproduct of the show concept.

The goal of Paco In the House is to entertain its audience through interviews and behind the scenes of anything and everything, and where the audience can participate as a future guest or a constant commentator. As vague as it may seem to be, the focus of the show is actually defined. In essence, I would like to create a platform where everyone is given the opportunity to share what they have to say or offer to the rest of the community. In this case, it’s the Paco In the House Facebook community.

As of this writing, the community is 155 strong. Not much compared to other Facebook pages that are out there but it’s growing!

How does joining benefit you?

You get FREE video “shout-outs” from me, for one thing. And if you think there is no value to a shout-out, why do you think talk show hosts are doing it?

You get to come be on my show where I interview you about YOU and about WHAT YOU DO. This is huge! Not because I’m in it… who cares, right!?! It’s HUGE because now you have this video of YOU, that’s informative, which you can post on your site, your facebook page and wherever you want to post it. No porn sites please! And you get to do this ROYALTY FREE!
If you believe what you do will benefit a lot of people, yourself included… send me a note or a message at and let’s see if we can come up with a something that will benefit YOU!

How then do all these benefit ME? It’s simple. My helping you succeed gives me the opportunity to succeed. My helping you gain credibility gives me the opportunity to become credible, eventually. My helping you to become a “household” name gives me the opportunity to be one too!

If you haven’t joined the Paco In the House fan page, you can do so by clicking this link.

Thank you for the opportunity!