Friday, March 13, 2009

Stop Right Now!

Benjamin Franklin said that "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Embrace this quote and life will be better! Maybe out of complacency or habit, we tend to do things the way do things and get frustrated in the end if we don’t like the end result. Guess what? Do it again the same way you did it earlier and you still get the same result!

However simple, most of us don’t get. We blame our partners, co-workers, family and friends for our failures and frustrations but the reality is WE ARE TO BLAME!

Think about it for a minute. Instead of putting the blame on someone else, own up to the situation and change what needs to be and see if you still get the same result. In a relationship, instead of the typical “me first”, tweak it to the “you first”, see what will happen. You might just be surprised with the result.

At work, it’s the same thing. Your desk is a mess. You’re behind the eight ball on deadlines and you’ve got an unfinished presentation that’s due “yesterday”. Try changing your work habits! Maybe coming early or leaving late may bring in a different result.

Are you over weight? Yeah, keep eating that 50,000 calorie steak and see if it helps you lose the excess. However if you change your eating habits… yeah you get it!

The quote written on top was something I was fortunate enough to embrace. I was on a self proclaimed downward spiral when I chanced upon this quote.

After making it a commitment to better myself, beginning with humbling myself before God, I started on a journey to find small ways and means to avoid doing the same thing that caused me to be in a downward spiral to begin with.

It doesn’t take 24 hours to experience minute or tremendous results. And it doesn’t take a lot of encouragement either to get that momentum going.

Here’s the challenge. We know that we cannot be better people with using the same mindset that made us who we are right now. This being said, what then can we do to make ourselves better people?

Have a nice day!

1 comment:


yup! what you need sow the seed! vision entails action! and discipline as well!