By Paco Arespacochaga
Life is a combination of good times and bad. And just like every journey, life does have a beginning and an ending. And while we aspire for our life progress to be at an incline, that isn't often the case in actuality.
As a matter of fact, life is really full of ups and downs. And while a majority of us do thrive during good times, it's sad to know that only some of us are able to make do with life during hard times.
And though I believe there is no one way to get us through hard times, there are some principles to apply to help us live during these time. Here are some of them:
Acceptance - Everything starts with acceptance. You cannot address a problem is you don't accept the fact that there is one. Once this is established, only then can one face the situation.
Humility - When we humble ourselves to the situation, it makes our life and living during hard times easier. Humility helps us to accept that we can't afford the Mercedes Benz in the driveway, the cable service and other luxuries in life. It also stops us from keeping up with the Joneses.
Delay Gratification - There is always a lesson in every situation. Delay gratification and absorb what you must learn from where you're currently in. Delaying gratification helps you avoid pitfalls that has brought you to where you are.
Perseverance - "Hard times" doesn't suggest the slightest inclination of having a good thing going. In order to survive, one must be able to persevere. Attacks come from every direction specially if you are the head of household. At home, there are the nags of family members. Outside, bill collectors and creditors are after you.
Taking Action - Unless living in hard times appeal to you, you must begin to take action to get yourself out of your current situation. It's not going to be easy but it can be done. Seek help from experts, read books, involve family members an do whatever is necessary to help you get back on your feet again!